
36.[stm32f103][hal] ADS1115

유저라인 2021. 7. 14. 11:55

Cube Mx

여기서 Alert/RDY 는 연결 하지 않았습니다.




#include "ADS1115.h"

extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1;

unsigned char ADSwrite[10];

int16_t ADS1115_ReadConversionRegister(uint8_t ads_addr)
	uint8_t adcTemp[2];
        int16_t reading;
	HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c1, ads_addr <<1, adcTemp, 2, 100);
	reading=((int16_t)adcTemp[0] << 8) | adcTemp[1] ;
        return reading ;

float ADS1115_GetAinVoltage(uint8_t ads_addr, uint8_t PGA_mode)
  int16_t adcValue;
  float AinVoltage; //Ain input port voltage
  adcValue = ADS1115_ReadConversionRegister(ads_addr);
  if(PGA_mode==0)       AinVoltage=(float)adcValue * 0.0001875;
  else if(PGA_mode==1)  AinVoltage=(float)adcValue * 0.000125;
  else if(PGA_mode==2)  AinVoltage=(float)adcValue * 0.0000625;
  else if(PGA_mode==3)  AinVoltage=(float)adcValue * 0.00003125;
  else if(PGA_mode==4)  AinVoltage=(float)adcValue * 0.000015625;
  else                  AinVoltage=(float)adcValue * 0.0000078125;
  //printf("PGA=%d, ");
  //AinVoltage = (float)adcValue * 0.0000078125;
  return AinVoltage;


void ADS1115_PointRegister(uint8_t ads_addr,uint8_t point)
  HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, ads_addr << 1, ADSwrite, 1, 100);

void ADS1115_ConfigRegister(uint8_t ads_addr)
  union xADS1115ConfigRegisterH ADS1115ConfigRegisterH;
  union xADS1115ConfigRegisterL ADS1115ConfigRegisterL;

  uint8_t xsend[2];

  ADS1115ConfigRegisterH.RegisterH.OS = Start_single_conversion; //Open a single conversion
  ADS1115ConfigRegisterH.RegisterH.MUX = AIN0_GND; //The pins of MUX strobe connected to PGA are AIN0 and AIN1
  ADS1115ConfigRegisterH.RegisterH.PGA = Gain_2_2048V; //The gain is 16, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±0.256 +0.3V
  ADS1115ConfigRegisterH.RegisterH.MODE = Continuous_conversion_mode; //Continuous conversion mode

  ADS1115ConfigRegisterL.RegisterL.DR = Rate_128;						//128 SPS
  ADS1115ConfigRegisterL.RegisterL.COMP_MODE = Traditional_comparator; //Window comparator
  ADS1115ConfigRegisterL.RegisterL.COMP_POL = Active_low; //Aler pin, active low
  ADS1115ConfigRegisterL.RegisterL.COMP_LAT = Nonlatching; //Non-latching comparator
  ADS1115ConfigRegisterL.RegisterL.COMP_QUE = Disable; //Assert after one conversion

  //Write the configured register content into the ADS1115 device through the IIC bus
  xsend[0] = ADS1115ConfigRegisterH.value;
  //xsend[0] = 0xC1; 
  xsend[1] = ADS1115ConfigRegisterL.value;
  ADS1115_WriteMulByte(ads_addr, ConfigRegister, 2, xsend);

void ADS1115_Comparator_Threshold(uint8_t ads_addr, int16_t LowerThreshold, int16_t UpperThreshold)
  uint8_t xsend[2];

  xsend[0] = (LowerThreshold>>8) & 0x00FF;
  xsend[1] = LowerThreshold & 0x00FF;
   //Digital voltage comparator voltage lower limit threshold setting
  ADS1115_WriteMulByte(ads_addr, LoThreshRegister, 2, xsend);


  xsend[0] = (UpperThreshold>>8) & 0x00FF;
  xsend[1] = UpperThreshold & 0x00FF;
   //Digital voltage comparator voltage upper limit threshold setting
  ADS1115_WriteMulByte(ads_addr, HiThreshRegister, 2, xsend);

void ADS1115_Init(void)

/////////////I2C W/R

void ADS1115_WriteOneByte(uint8_t ads_addr, uint8_t WriteAddr, uint8_t DataToWrite)
  HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, ads_addr << 1, ADSwrite, 2, 100);

void ADS1115_WriteMulByte(uint8_t ads_addr, uint8_t WriteAddr,uint8_t xnum,uint8_t* xData)
  for(int i=0;i<xnum;i++){
  for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
  HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, ads_addr << 1, ADSwrite, (xnum+1), 100);

void IIC_Stop(uint8_t ads_addr)
    ADSwrite[0] = 0x00;  
    HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, ads_addr << 1, ADSwrite, 1, 100);



#ifndef __ADS1115_H
#define __ADS1115_H
#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
  * @file    ads1115.h
  * @author  zhiLiangMa
  * @version V0.1.0
  * @date    2019/06/30
  * @brief ads1115.c.h contains the basic drive functions of ads1115, over-range trigger edge, and load cell unit conversion
  * @attention
	 * 1. Pay attention before using this driver. The iic timing of ads1115 is different from the standard iic protocol of at24c02 and mpu6050
	 *, the difference is mainly reflected in the reading. For details, please refer to page 24 of the manual, writing data is consistent with the standard iic
	 * For normal iic reading, first send the device iic ID, then send the register address to be read, and then send the device iic ID+1
	 *. And ads introduced the device pointer register, no need to carry the register address in the iic frame of each frame
	 * 2. The correct reading method of ads is to write data to iic and point the pointer register to the register address that you want to read
	 *, and then use the last bit of the iic device ID as the read/write control bit, read 1 and write 0, and omit the register address in the standard iic frame. Read data directly.
	 * 3. In short, before the standard iic reads the data that the user wants, it needs to send three bytes: device ID, device register address required by the user, device ID+1
	 *. And ads, before getting the data that the user wants, only one byte needs to be sent: the device ID including the read and write control bits. . . But before that, you must write the pointer controller to write the required address
	 * 4. Also note that when writing a 16-bit register, you must write all 16 bits at a time. 16 bits only write 8 bits, the last 8 bits cannot be addressed
 /* When the ADDR pin is connected to different levels, the device shows different I2C addresses */
#define ads1115_GND_iic_addr	0x48
#define ads1115_VDD_iic_addr	0x49
#define ads1115_SDA_iic_addr	0x4A
#define ads1115_SCL_iic_addr	0x4B
 /* ADS1115 register address */
#define ConversionRegister		0x00
#define ConfigRegister			0x01
#define LoThreshRegister		0x03
#define HiThreshRegister		0x04
 /* Read the level of the Alert pin to determine whether it exceeds the range of the digital comparator */
#define GetADS1115Alert GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOC,GPIO_Pin_8)
 /* Use union & bit field to configure register */
 //Combination and bit field combination http://www.stmcu.org.cn/module/forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=610197
 //Because the memory accumulation of the bit field starts from the low bit, put the high register in the manual at the end of the bit field definition
union xADS1115ConfigRegisterH
	uint8_t  value;
		uint8_t MODE:1;
		uint8_t PGA:3;
		uint8_t MUX:3;
		uint8_t OS:1;
union xADS1115ConfigRegisterL
	uint8_t  value;
		uint8_t COMP_QUE:2;
		uint8_t COMP_LAT:1;
		uint8_t COMP_POL:1;
		uint8_t COMP_MODE:1;
		uint8_t DR:3;
 Ads1115 internal register function definition
 //Run status or single conversion bit
 //Run status or single conversion start This bit determines the running status of the device. OS can only be written in the power-down state, and is invalid when the conversion is in progress.
enum OS
	 No_effect=0, //Invalid
	 Start_single_conversion //Start a single conversion
 //Enter the multiplexer configuration
 //These bits configure the input multiplexer
enum MUX
	AIN0_AIN1=0, //MUX strobed pins connected to PGA are AIN0 and AIN1
 //Programmable gain amplifier configuration
 //These bits set the FSR of the programmable gain amplifier
 //This parameter represents the full scale range of ADC scaling. Do not apply a voltage exceeding VDD + 0.3 V to the analog input of the device
enum PGA
	 Gain_2_3_6144V=0, //Gain is 2/3, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±6.144 +0.3V
	 Gain_1_4096V, //The gain is 1, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±4.096 +0.3V
	 Gain_2_2048V, //The gain is 2, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±2.048 +0.3V
	 Gain_4_1024V, //The gain is 4, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±1.024 +0.3V
	 Gain_8_0512V, //The gain is 8, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±0.512 +0.3V
	 Gain_16_0256V, //The gain is 16, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±0.256 +0.3V
	 Gain_16_0256V1, //The gain is 16, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±0.256 +0.3V
	 Gain_16_0256V2 //The gain is 16, the maximum input voltage of the pin is ±0.256 +0.3V
 //Device operating mode
 //This bit controls the operation mode.
enum MODE
	 Continuous_conversion_mode=0, //Continuous conversion mode
	 Single_shot_mode //Single shot mode or power down state
 //Data rate
 //These bits control the data rate setting.
enum DR
	Rate_8=0,			//8 SPS
	Rate_16,			//16 SPS
	Rate_32,			//32 SPS
	Rate_64,			//64 SPS
	Rate_128,			//128 SPS
	Rate_250,			//250 SPS
	Rate_475,			//475 SPS
	Rate_860			//860 SPS
 //Comparator mode
 //This bit configures the working mode of the comparator
	 Traditional_comparator=0, //Traditional comparator
	 Window_comparator //Window comparator
 //Comparator polarity
 //This bit controls the polarity of the ALERT/RDY pin
	 Active_low=0, //active low
	 Active_high //active high
 //Comparator latch
 //This bit controls whether the ALERT/RDY pin is latched after being set or cleared within the upper and lower threshold range after conversion
	 Nonlatching=0, //Non-latching comparator
	 Latching //Latching comparator
 //Comparator queue and disabling
//These bits perform two functions. When set to 11, the comparator is disabled and the ALERT/RDY pin is set to a high impedance state. When set to any other value, the ALERT/RDY pin and the comparator function are enabled, and the set value determines the number of consecutive conversions that exceed the required upper or lower limit before asserting the ALERT/RDY pin
	 One=0, //Assertion after one conversion
	 Two, //Assertion after two conversions
	 Four, //Assertion after four conversions
	 Disable //Disable the comparator and set the ALERT/RDY pin to high impedance
 ** Function name: ADS1115_ReadConversionRegister(uint8_t ads_addr)
 ** Function description: Read 16-bit ADC conversion data of ADS1115, pay attention to the type, is int16, signed
 ** Input: IIC device address of ads1115 selected by ads_addr
 ** Output: 16-bit ADC conversion data, pay attention to the type, is int16, signed
 ** Explanation: Pay attention to the type, it is int16, signed
int16_t ADS1115_ReadConversionRegister(uint8_t ads_addr);
 ** Function name: ADS1115_GetAinVoltage(uint8_t ads_addr)
 ** Function description: Get the input port voltage of ADS1115, and get the actual voltage value according to the configuration of the register
 ** Input: IIC device address of ads1115 selected by ads_addr
 ** Output: float type voltage data
 ** Explanation: The voltage unit is V
 ** Table 3. Full-Scale Range and Corresponding LSB Size ti official website 53 pages manual page 17
**					 FSR 			LSB SIZE
**					 ±6.144 V(1) 	187.5 μV
**					 ±4.096 V(1) 	125 μV
**					 ±2.048 V 		62.5 μV
**					 ±1.024 V 		31.25 μV
**					 ±0.512 V 		15.625 μV
**					 ±0.256 V 		7.8125 μV
float ADS1115_GetAinVoltage(uint8_t ads_addr, uint8_t PGA_mode);
 ** Function name: ADS1115_PointRegister(uint8_t ads_addr,uint8_t point)
 ** Function description: Set the pointing address of the internal pointer register, pointing to the ADS1115 pointer register to prepare to read data
 ** Input: IIC device address of ads1115 selected by ads_addr
						  point The pointed address of the internal pointer register
 ** Output: void
 ** Explanation: If you want to read the ADC conversion value, you must call this function to point the pointer to the ADC conversion data register, and then IIC will read it.
 ** So there is no need to carry ADC conversion data register address in IIC read
void ADS1115_PointRegister(uint8_t ads_addr,uint8_t point);
 ** Function name: ADS1115_ConfigRegister(uint8_t ads_addr)
 ** Function description: Configure ADS1115 internal registers to complete information configuration such as channel selection, capture rate, PGA gain multiple, etc.
 ** Input: IIC device address of ads1115 selected by ads_addr
 ** Output: void
 ** Note: If you need to change the settings, please change the structure of the following union
void ADS1115_ConfigRegister(uint8_t ads_addr);
 ** Function name: ADS1115_Comparator_Threshold(uint8_t ads_addr, int16_t LowerThreshold, int16_t UpperThreshold)
 ** Function description: Set the upper and lower thresholds of the digital voltage comparator
 ** Input: IIC device address of ads1115 selected by ads_addr
 ** LowerThreshold lower threshold
 ** UpperThreshold upper threshold
 ** Output: void
 ** Explanation: If the ALERT output of the digital voltage comparator turned on exceeds the lower or upper threshold of the threshold, a level transition will occur on the ALERT pin
void ADS1115_Comparator_Threshold(uint8_t ads_addr, int16_t LowerThreshold, int16_t UpperThreshold);
 ** Function name: ADS1115_AlertGPIOInit(void)
 ** Function description: STM32 GPIO configuration of Alert pin. You can select interrupt trigger or scan level mode.
 ** Input: void
 ** Output: void
 ** Explanation: Because the sampling frequency of ads1115 is relatively low, selecting the scan level method will miss many moments that exceed the threshold
 ** It is strongly established to use GPIO interrupt input to do it. High-level or low-level trigger interrupt, see the configuration method of the function above for details
// void ADS1115_AlertGPIOInit(void);
 ** Function name: void ADS1115_Init(void)
 **Function description: Initialization of ADS1115, including IIC pin setting, digital voltage comparator setting, Alert interrupt pin setting, A/D conversion rate setting, PGA gain setting, input pin channel setting
 ** Input: void
 ** Output: void
 ** Description: Integrate all the above configurations, add 100ms delay between each configuration, to prevent the crosstalk after analog IIC continuous transmission
void ADS1115_Init(void);
void ADS1115_WriteOneByte(uint8_t ads_addr, uint8_t WriteAddr, uint8_t DataToWrite);
void ADS1115_WriteMulByte(uint8_t ads_addr, uint8_t WriteAddr,uint8_t xnum,uint8_t* xData);
void IIC_Stop(uint8_t ads_addr);


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ADS1115-ADC chip-detailed application-stm32F103 driver, it should be the most complete - Programmer Sought

ADS1115-ADC chip-detailed application-stm32F103 driver, it should be the most complete tags: MCU drive  MCU  stm32 Introduction to ADS1115: ADS1115 is a 16-bit ADC with I2C interface produced by TI. The internal ADC sampling rate is adjustable 8, 16,



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